Language lab
Language Lab at Institute for Education is a pedagogy driven laboratory which supports various kinds of language teaching activities at the institute. Of the various language teaching activities conducted in the laboratory, the most important is the Communication Skills course taught to students. The remedial English language course taught at the Ist year level is also partially conducted in the language lab. Apart from these courses from the Academic Programme, the laboratory also supports the institute's Foreign Languages Programme. Currently, the programme runs six courses in French, German and Japanese. All the tutorial activities associated with these courses are held in the language laboratory. The laboratory also facilitates the English Conversation classes conducted by the Counselling Service for IFE students. The lab infrastructure comprises a state-of-the-art Robotel New Smart Class Digital technology housed in the New Core Lab building. The set up provides an advanced language laboratory teaching/learning experience. The Smart Class has fifty six booths for students and a teacher console. The teacher's Control Unit enables the teacher to direct the video, audio, keyboard and mouse signal to any booth. The Students' Terminals allow the students to interact with the teacher.

Mathematics Lab

Psychology lab

Science Lab