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Lectures by faculty are used to introduce concepts, techniques, issues, and to moderate the exchange of individual views. Performance in class discussions requires a high level of preparedness with sensitivity to others’ point of view. In order to achieve this, the modules are designed so as to incorporate fundamental concepts in the initial phase followed by the application and subsequent integration with real life business situations. Initially, participants work individually studying assigned cases, reading material, completing exercises, extracting pertinent facts and identifying issues or concepts that require in-depth understanding. They are expected to contribute to the learning process by sharing accumulated knowledge and work experience through active discussions.


As part of a week orientation programme, a two day seminar is conducted on “Management Gurus” to deepen the understanding and appreciate contribution of leading management theorist like Peter Drucker,Peter Senge, Michael Porter, Rosabeth Moss Kantor, Mary Parker Follett, Rensis Likert, Margaret Wheatley, Herbert Simon, Stephen Covey, AlRies, Geert Hoefstede etc.


Every student has to analyze topical themes in Management assigned every week as a part of assignments and these are based on Business Magazines, NewsPapers and Economic Times.All students are given a free copy of Economic time every day. Assignments are individual as well as group based and cover a wide variety.


Students are encouraged to read, analyze and present responses to a wide variety of books on management, self-help, fiction, and non-fiction. This hones their analytical skills while encouraging the habit of reading. Ideas and perceptions developed while reading and shared in class through formal presentations. We have identified about 60 management classic “must read” books and they are discussed and presented by the students every month. Prominent Books discussed are snapshot from hell, 7 habits of highly effective people, Yugantar, Essence of Peter Drucker, Good to Great, Build to Last, Goal, World Class, Straight from Gut, Who Moved my Cheese, the GE Way etc.

Case Analysis

Case Analysis as a tool of learning by dissecting real life situation is a predominant pedagogical aid used at IFE. Cases from prominent b – schools and other leading sources are used in different subject areas to train students. The business landscape and integration of Management concepts, practices and problems is brought out for analysis through cases in various courses. Case study methods involve an in-depth longitudinal examination of a single event. There is a heavy focus on integrative learning at IFE College. About 200 case studies are handled by students over a period of 20 months in addition to written assignments and projects on continuous basis. Written analysis of case studies along with power point presentations and class room discussions are integral part of the training.


Each semester there will be regular interface with industry facilitators and experts in the areas of finance,Marketing, Human Resources, and General management, Entrepreneurship etc. Latest trends including Crisis management, Live Cases are a part of the program. The program also includes Management games and Knowledge games. An industry visit is organized every semester.


Speaker series is conducted every month. The speakers involved are from private, public, and educational sectors who give presentations on relevant economic and business issues.


A unique opportunity for our students is to interact with CEOs and industry leaders. Years of wisdom and experience are distilled into concise presentations by business honchos, directly interacting with students and helping them relate academic study with real –life management.


The debate forum allows students to debate issues facing society and the ability to learn different perspectives that are brought to the table by students with different areas of expertise.


The panel discussions are conducted on some of the major economy-related events of the day. These forums often tackle tough, controversial, and economy-related issues that are important to students,faculty, and the community.


The career counselling service provides unbiased information, advice and guidance to help students understand themselves and the employment market. Later they are supported to plan and prepare for their future by developing suitable career related skills & knowledge.



The spacious classroom design incorporates the latest technologies, including video cameras for conferencing and recording, screens with projection equipment and ports for laptops. The classrooms are also tailored to its innovative curriculum and interactive learning methods. The ergonomics and acoustics are well planned for student’s convenience.


IFE fosters an environment in which research and development are integrated into every individual student by the best technology the country can offer. The high-tech computer labs comprises 15 inch TFT monitors, high configuration PC’s, 24X7 internet facilities, Wi-Fi connectivity and network data storage facilities.


IFE provides access to the information needed to support the rigorous demands of a top-tier business school.In addition to housing a comprehensive print collection, the library offers a wealth of online information. The experienced staff of business librarians provides research training, individual consultations and email reference assistance to help Institute for Education make the most effective use of library resources.


The mission of the campus grounds is to provide a safe and pleasant outdoor environment for students, faculty, staff and visitors through the maintenance of the campus grounds. Indoor sports like Table Tennis and Billiards can also be make use to freshen up yourselves.


Open six days a week, from 09:00 am to 05:00 pm, our cafeteria is an all-you- care-to- eat cafeteria-style facility. It is also a perfect place for student’s hang-out over a cup of coffee after stretched hour of classes and hours long presentation, workshop etc. It sometimes becomes an ideal place to complete group assignments or do a presentation rehearsal.


Institute for Education provides well furnished separate spacious accommodation for both Girls & Boys. Hostels at Institute for Education give a unique opportunity for an individual to network with a melange of cultures, passions and emotions.


A fleet of buses ply between College Campus and various locations of jamshedpur to pick and drop the students and faculty .


The auditorium is well equipped with modern acoustics and state-of- the-art facilities to conduct seminars, corporate events, student activities and general announcements for the students.

The B.Ed. curriculum has been designed to integrate the study of subject knowledge, human development, pedagogical knowledge and communication skills.The programme shall comprise three broad curricular areas: Perspectives in Education, Curriculum and Pedagogic Studies, and Engagement with the the Field.The courses under each of these curricular areas will be based on a close reading of original writings, seminar/term paper presentations and continuous engagement with the field. Transaction of the courses shall be done using a variety of approaches, such as, case studies, discussions on reflective journals, observations of children, and interactions with the community in multiple socio-cultural environments .Information and Communication Technology (ICT), gender,yoga education, and disability/inclusive education shall form an integral part of the B.Ed. curriculum

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